Our Youth & Family Resource Services were established in 2020 in response to the needs of the community during the world-wide pandemic. As schools, agencies, and businesses closed for public safety, and social-distancing protocols were established, many youth and families required extra support in finding resources for a variety of needs. The Y stepped in help bridge the gap by providing Youth & Family Resource Navigators to aid in matching community members to needed resources and each other. Our Navigators continue to work to help all community families (with youth ages 0-18) and young adults (ages 18-24) connect with the resources they need and to constantly grow as resources for one another.
Follow us on Facebook for resource information, upcoming events, and more!

YMCA of Jefferson County
1919 Blaine Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Molly French, Youth & Family Resource Navigator, 360-605-3371 or mfrench@olympicpeninsulaymca.org.
Tanya Barnett, Program Executive for Social Responsibility, 360-565-6025 or tanya@olympicpeninsulaymca.org.
YMCA of Jefferson County Resources
To learn more about how to sign up for food and diaper resources, please read more about these YMCA of Jefferson County resources.

School Break Food Program
Fueled by our Y’s commitment to making sure that children/teens have enough food over longer school breaks, we have established pop-up sites in various locations where pre-registered families (with children ages 0-18 years old) who live in East Jefferson County, will be provided with build-your-own-food-boxes and occasional grocery vouchers/gift cards.

Diaper Bank
First Step Family Support Center has partnered with the YMCA of Jefferson County to be a distribution location for free diaper supplies to youth and families within Jefferson County.
Community Resources
To view other Jefferson County community resources, please find lists below that have been provided by a few of our community partners.
2024 Jefferson County Summer Youth Activities | Check out our summer activities guide for youth in Jefferson County. |
OWL360 | Youth Resource List For Jefferson County aka "HOOT360". |
Kid Compass Childcare Resources | If you're in need of after-school care of child care, check out Kid Compass. |
Jefferson County Library Community Information | Jefferson County Library District local resources. |
WA 211 Resources | A searchable database developed by Washington State to help you connect with resources in our local area and throughout the state. You may also wish to call "211" |