Find Your Trail This Summer
The YMCA of Sequim is excited to announce our third Find Your Trail Summer Outdoor Leadership program for youth ages 12-17. This program started in the summer of 2022 with 25 registered participants and was offered again in 2023 with 12 participants.
In this 6-week program, youth will learn about hiking essentials, wayfinding, and wilderness first aid, important skills for any beginner outdoor enthusiasts. Participants will also learn about the local geology, geography, marine environments on the Olympic Peninsula. There will be weekly hikes that will introduce youth to our local resources while gaining leadership skills and making friends! Eight hikes will include North Beach, Striped Peak, Miller Peninsula and others. Wednesday meetings will include presentations, skills, activities and swimming or cardio/weight training. Students will be loaned essential gear and plenty of snacks will be provided.
In 2024, the program will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 3pm.

Registration is closed for this program. We hope you'll join us next year!
July 9th through August 22nd; Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Tuesday mornings will be for learning about hiking concepts such as the 10 Essentials,
Leave No Trace, and hiking planning and safety and guest speakers. - Tuesday afternoons will be free time for the participants to swim or use the Wellness Center.
- Thursdays will be hiking days. In the past, hikes have included Robin Hill Park,
Striped Peak, Miller Peninsula, and Spruce RR Trail.
$450 per participant which will include the use of essentials such as a daypack, compass, first aid kit and more.
Hiking snacks will also be provided.
Thanks to the generosity of the local community, the Y offers member support to any individuals or family who needs a little extra help.
Complete this Member Support Application and return it to your local Y.